Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Unit 31 M2

Unit 32 (M2)                                                                                                                  Scott Manton

Scenario: The teacher has asked for some guidance regarding the different animation formats available. The teacher would like the students to be able to compare three different animation formats (e.g. animated GIF, Flash, QuickTime and Dynamic HTML).

Task: Create a new blog page, which will discuss three animation formats. Make sure that you identify at least two good things about each format and two limitations (of each). In comparing, you must explain what is similar between the formats, as well as what is different; expand on each point and explain what it means in terms of the type of animation you can produce. Use photos and Videos to support your answers.


Flash is used to create animated GIFs because it allows you to create the animation frame by frame. Another reason it is the most used format is because it can also be used to add sound to the GIF.


An advantage of using animated GIFs is they have loss-less compression, meaning the size of the file can be made smaller and the image will not lose any of its quality.

Another advantage is that animated GIFs already have a small file size. This allows you to use more GIFs on a webpage without it effect the download speed too much.


The main disadvantage of animated GIFs is that they only support 256 colours, this limits your options when it comes to using GIFs. Only having 256 could also be consider as an advantage because it makes the file size small.
Having too many GIFs can decrease your bandwidth, which will slow your download speed making it frustrating waiting for a webpage to load.


Shockwave was designed for 3D animation and is used in videos. Shockwave also has a fast rendering engine meaning it will play the videos in a smooth motion.


An advantage of Shockwave is that is supports 3D animations unlike Flash that only supports 2D.

One advantage of Shockwave is that it uses vector images, meaning the actual size of the image can be made much larger without it losing any of its quality. 

Another big advantage of Shockwave is that when it is used on a web page it does not lower the download speed, causing the page to load slowly, unlike Flash that does have this problem.


One of the main disadvantages of Shockwave is that you have to install a plug-in on your PC in order to view the animation. 


QuickTime is similar to Windows Media Player and because of this it's main advantage is it used to support; sound, animation and video.


The biggest advantage of Quick Time is it's actual function, the fact that it supports any form of media such as; images, videos, animation and sound.


One disadvantage of QuickTime is that it can slow down other codex on your PC, as QuickTime was originated on Mac when using it on Windows it can cause the PC to slowdown.

Another big disadvantage of QuickTime is that it is very high in memory which means you will have limited space on your hard drive. 

Because of these disadvantages people prefer to use the more familiar Windows Media Player which is a disadvantage to QuickTime in its own right.


When it comes to using animation on web pages Flash would be the best form to use as it has a small file size which will ensure it doesn't decrease your download speed meaning the web page will load quickly and smoothly. The best thing about using Flash on webpages instead of Shockwave is that you don't have to install a plug-in in order to view the animation. The one good factor of using Shockwave on webpages is the images can made larger and they will not use any of the quality unlike Flash that can appear blocky when enlarged. 

When it comes to using animation that is a video or sound, Flash is not an option as it doesn't support those media outlets, whereas both Shockwave and QuickTime do. I think Shockwave would be the better form of animation to use because, as mentioned before, it has a fast rendering engine meaning it will play the videos in a quick, smooth motion. Even though you have to have a plug-in to use Shockwave it is much better than having QuickTime that takes up a lot of space on the hard drive.

Unit 31 M1

Unit 31 (M1)                                                                                                                  Scott Manton

The teacher who arranged for you to create the blog for the students would like you to expand it explaining the principal behind the illusion of animation.

Task: Add a section to your blog titled “The theory of Persistence of Vision.”

The theory of Persistence of Vision in animation is when you see one image and then look at another image straight after and the vision of the first image is still subconsciously on your mind and in the retinal of your eye. For example, when you watch an animated movie from Pixar and you see an image of a character, such as Woody, in one frame and then a different character, like Buzz, in the next the image of Woody will still be in your retinal for a very brief moment; about 1/25th  of a second.

The Persistence of Vision also applies to real life, when you see somebody or something move, such as a person waving their arm. When moving their arm from left to right the image of their arm still being to left will be on your mind for, again, a very brief moment and vise versa when their arm is on the right.